söndag 1 maj 2011

Week 17

Okay so this week I have finished my work on the particle system. At first it was a bit confusing trying to implement the system in the engine. My particlecomponent goes in to my particle system, my particle system goes into my particle manager. This code was no problem to implement, but when I realized all the other classes that need information about my three classes all got a hole lot worse. So to fix this problem I added different helper classes and xml files to help hold all the data for different particle effects. So now we can create different particle effects through xml files and get some really interesting results.

At the end of the week, I started adding code for our first playable on Thursday next week. The task at hand is get the background to show... I realized that the Pointspritecomponenet didn't support this, so I have dug in into that class and hopefully I can fix that soon. 

Thanks for reading.

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