fredag 8 april 2011

My work between week 13 - 14

Week 13

This week has been all about creating and tuning a XMLManager to our engine. For those how don't know we are creating our own game engine with XNA.

The work has been manly focused on XML, much reading trying to understand the theory behind serialize and deserialeze. The greatest challenge in building a structured system for XML  in my opinion is trying to see the bigger picture. What I mean by that is all the questions you will have to answer beforehand.

Will all the entities be in one .xml file? how will my serialize/deserialize work with the editor? why is it so hard trying to spell serialize?.

The end of the week I changed a few things in the XMLManager but nothing major, just some minor tweaks. Anyway I completed my task and started working on a StateManager and a State class.

Week 14 
Okay so this week my focus has been on a StateManager and a State class. Like with the XMLManager I had to do alot of reading in the beginning.  I had a roughly good idea of how I wanted the StateManager to work, but this was only in theory.

So starting building up the statemanger and at the same time alot of testing of the class. Added three different states menu, game and end state. Later on I hope these states will help create a more dynamic flow in the engine.

The end of this week was very much alike the previous week, some tweaking and implementing all necessary things in the engine that had to do with the Statesystem, but now this task is also done and I'm waiting on the next task to do.

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